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Build a strong employer value proposition to win tech talent war 17 May 2022

Insufficient skills and experience will characterise Singapore’s software engineering talent market in the near future, observes recruiting experts, Hays. To circumvent the uphill task of recruiting the talent necessary to maximise growth opportunities, it is critical for employers to start adapting their talent attraction and retention strategies.

43% of professionals in Asia still believe diversity to be a barrier to career progression at their organisations 08 Mar 2022

Recruiting experts Hays conducted a survey of nearly 1000 people in Asia to find out if diversity policies have an impact on career progression. 43% said it was a barrier at their organisation while 57% said it was not. Further homing in on survey responses in Singapore found that 45% of respondents believed diversity was a barrier to career progression at their organisations.   

What are Hays Singapore’s Top Ten Talent Trends for 2022? 06 Dec 2021

The pandemic has had significant economic, health, and social impacts in Singapore, disrupting businesses and slowing down recruitment activities over the last two years. With the situation now stabilising and restrictions easing, hiring activities are anticipated to increase in 2022.

Singapore’s Smart Nation innovations are drawing talent to the public sector 07 May 2021

That the global pandemic has disrupted businesses and economies worldwide has been widely discussed, but for Singapore’s public sector it has provided an opportunity in which to augment its innovative tech targets. And despite contractions in the private sector, in the year to come the government is set to create 15,000 jobs in areas such as early childhood education, healthcare, and long-term care.

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