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Market Outlook for Tech Companies: 2024 Most In Demand Jobs in Technology in Singapore

The technology sector may have slowed down after the rapid growth seen during the pandemic, but the demand for tech specialists remains as strong as ever. The push for digitalisation continues, and new technologies like generative AI are transforming consumer needs, calling for innovative approaches to traditional solutions. Alongside these advancements, there's an ongoing necessity to enhance cybersecurity measures to protect data integrity from increasing threats.
Gain valuable insights into how organisations are adapting to the current climate and refining their recruitment strategies for tech teams. This comprehensive report features data from the 2024 Hays Asia Salary Guide, presenting findings from nearly 9,000 employers and professionals across the region.

Key Trends in Singapore's Tech Industry

  • 36% of employees are looking for a promotion or a role change within their company.
  • 40% of professionals are considering switching companies.
  • 44% of workers are open to new opportunities

Download the 2024 Inside Story Of Technology In Singapore today to discover:

  • Strategies technology teams use to manage conservative budgets while still needing specialised skills.
  • How leaders are securing top tech talent ahead of their competitors.
  • The emerging skills and fastest-growing roles in the tech industry.

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Inside Story Of Technology In Singapore


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