Jobs & employment blogs

When preparing for an all-important job interview, you might think that the most important thing to equip yourself with is what you’re going to say when answering specific types of interview questions. Something that you may not appreciate, though, is that the interviewer won’t necessarily only be paying attention to what you say – they’ll also be actively looking...

If you’ve found yourself in the position of being made redundant, don’t be afraid of communicating it clearly on your CV and in a job interview. When addressing your redundancy on your CV, include any relevant and appropriate background information, such as the department or organisation needing to downsize, and ensure you highlight your key achievements in the role. ...

The new era cohort of school and university leavers are facing unique challenges entering the world of work. What role can employers play in helping the next generation take the first steps of their career journey? One of the lasting legacies of pandemic will be the unprecedented experience of young people who looked for, or started, their very first job during this pandemic. The...

The challenges of the pandemic have forced many businesses to adopt an innovative mindset in order to adapt to new demands in record time. And while many of us look forward to the world returning to what will be the new normal, this way of thinking is something that many organisations will want to hold on to. The year 2020 was one of seismic change for everyone, both at home and at...

Congratulations! You’ve landed an interview and could soon be taking the next exciting step in your career. But there’s a problem. The interview is scheduled at 3pm – exactly the same time as an important client meeting – a meeting you’ve spent weeks preparing for. Even though many interviews are now increasingly being conducted remotely, it suddenly dawns on you that you’ll need to...

With so much uncertainty about what tomorrow will bring, it is understandable that many people may be feeling anxious about their job security. However, there is also every reason to be hopeful and optimistic. The pandemic is revealing a world of new opportunity and a new era of work. It will be different, but that doesn’t mean it will be worse. Of course, feeling anxious at this...

We all know that applying for a new job can be a time-consuming and sometimes all-encompassing task. It’s one that requires dedication, concentration and focus, and that extends to the seemingly minor details – for instance, checking and double checking each element of your application for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, formatting and consistency. Neglecting this...

Updated: 4th August 2020 If you were to ask your employees to work for free, the chances are that most of them would decline the invitation. But apart from telling us what we already know – namely that money is important for putting food on the table – it doesn’t tell us how big a motivating factor it really is once our basic needs are met. There have been many...

Generation Z is largely defined as those born between 1996 and 2012. Given that the people born towards the start of this generation are now in their twenties, many are beginning their entry into the workplace. But the pandemic has monumentally impacted the start of their careers. Many have missed out on their first job opportunity, or had their final years of education...

Alongside the many challenges that we are facing as a result of the pandemic, we are hearing of some amazing innovations and collaborations, as people join together with a common aim. We have seen examples of F1 competitors sharing their expertise so they can design and manufacture medical ventilators in record time. We have seen businesses openly sharing details...

If you’re reading this blog because you’ve recently been offered (and have accepted) a new job, then congratulations! You’ve done the hard work and secured a new role, and the next exciting step in your career is officially in the pipeline. But if, by accepting the new job, you’ll need to leave your current one, then this may add an element of stress or worry. After all, resigning...

The dramatic changes brought to our working world by the pandemic crisis led to an overnight increase in remote working. However, as we transition into a new era of work, rather than returning to ‘9-5’ office-based work, remote work is looking likely to become far more common. After all, in the last few months, employers and professionals have realised that many traditionally...

I recently ran a LinkedIn Live event to share my top tips on successfully creating or updating your CV or resume. We received many great questions from our followers during the event, so I wanted to share a blog with answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. You can watch the event back in full here. 1. What’s the difference between my CV and my...

The fact that you’re reading this blog indicates you may have accepted a new job offer recently, so congratulations! If the current circumstances mean you’ll be starting your new role remotely, it’s important for you to understand how your onboarding process may differ from one that is office-based, whilst doing all you can to ensure you start your new role as positively as possible....

If you’re looking for a new job, the opportunity to learn new skills, and discover content and connections that can support your career, then LinkedIn is the place for you. With 700+ million people on LinkedIn globally, including recruiters and prospective employers, and millions of jobs available, it gives you the best opportunity to find your dream role. In this blog, you can find top...

If you’re currently preparing for a remote job interview, you may be feeling concerned that it could be more difficult for you to assess whether the opportunity is the right one for you. After all, when interviewing remotely, you won’t have the opportunity to meet the people you’ll be working with face-to-face, visit the organisation’s offices and generally get a feel for the...

To categorise 2020 as a ‘stressful year for most people’ would be an understatement. Some have been ‘shielding’, separated from their friends and loved ones. Some have been placed on alternative working arrangements, whilst others have seen an increase in their normal day-to-day workload. It’s likely that every one of us has struggled – at least to some degree – with the phenomenal...

Data suggests that women have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic in terms of redundancy and the amount of time they are committing to domestic and educational responsibilities. But there are also some emerging employment trends that could open up new and exciting opportunities for women. The pandemic has caused many employers to challenge their assumptions about work...

The pandemic has impacted our personal and professional lives to such an extent that many of our daily routines were transformed overnight (or have been transformed over the past 12 months). Many of our habits, our routines and our rituals have changed for good. The events of the past year have also placed a far greater importance on some of the things we perhaps took for granted in...

Admit it. Your new job just isn’t living up to expectations. On paper, it should be everything you’d hope it would be – after all, you’re now in a more senior position, working on more exciting projects and even being better financially rewarded than you were in your previous role. Why, then, are you just not enjoying your new challenge? Perhaps you’re even finding yourself...